You are spot on Dissonant15! The JWs focus on the need to use an inaccurate personal name is actually quite petty and silly when you think about it.
They say bible names have meanings and God's name has a rich meaning. But they then turn around and negate that argument about the importance of the meaning of God's name, by focusing instead on the need to use a personal appellation. So which is really important - the meaning of the name or the verbal appellation? Make up your minds already, you blind guides!
If it is the meaning of God's name that is really important then that meaning is already known by christians who study the bible. Also, studying the bible reveals God's name - his character and personality. Thus, whether a christian uses "Jehovah" or not, he gets to know and use God's name in the most important ways that would matter most.
This fixation on the need to use a particular appellation thus amounts to petty superstitious nonsense that only serves to paint their God as a petty snob.